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Shari B
Feb 2, 20235 min read
What is a Diastasis Recti
There are so many questions to ask about Diastasis Recti—What is it? How does it happen? How do I know if I have one? I want to demystify...

Shari B
Dec 13, 20213 min read
What Do Ribs Have To Do With It?
We all know that we have ribs, but do we understand how important they are and what they actually do? The ribs are an integral part of...

Shari B
Oct 18, 20213 min read
Why I Teach in Tabletop
Tabletop is a common supine leg position that is frequently used during Pilates equipment and mat classes. The goal of the exercise is...

Shari B
Sep 28, 20214 min read
Getting In Neutral
I have to confess I am obsessed with the pelvis. I talk about it all of the time in class. I truly believe its alignment is crucial for...

Shari B
Aug 31, 20214 min read
My Core Rehab Story
It is still pretty surreal for me that we are here…I have this site, this studio and the ability to share my passion. I have always known...
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